Collection: Group class package

We provide children/adult's group lessons on Saturdays and Sundays, children's group lessons on Christmas, children's group lesson on New Year's Day, and children's group lessons on March Break. We offer flexible lessons and accurately assign you and your children to the right class of you and their ability level. There is always something suitable for you and your children!

Frequently Asked Questions about Group Classes

about Us

Q: Does S Snow have certified insurance?

A: S Snow has high-standard industry insurance to support the operation of the club. We also work very closely with insurance companies to reduce possible risks at every step to ensure the safety of our members and coaches.

Q: What is our coaching team like?

A: S Snow is committed to providing the highest quality instruction, so we recruit and manage a small team of high-quality coaches. All group class coaches hold Level 2 and above professional coaching certificates (CSIA or CASI). Each group class instructor has an average of 500 hours of teaching experience.

About group classes

Q: Is there any age limit for group classes?

A: We accept children aged 5 to 12 years old, and teenagers aged 13-17 years old

Q: How to balance the level of students in group classes?

A: Our group classes are divided into beginner and advanced classes. Before the start of the snow season, the club will assign a coach to grade each student.

After the course starts, we will flexibly adjust the grading according to the students' level and needs.

Q: How many students are there in a class?

A: 4 students. However, it may fluctuate depending on the number of people on the day.

Q: What can I get from the class?
A: Guidance from professional coaches

Experience the joy of skiing

Understanding and making friends among children

social interaction between parents

Q: Time schedule?
A: Our group classes have two options: Saturday and Sunday. You can choose morning, afternoon or full day respectively.

Each full-day group class lasts 4 hours in total. The half-day group class is divided into morning and afternoon, 10-12 am, 1-3 pm, with a lunch break for parents to take their children to have a meal.

Q: Price?
A: Our children’s group lessons are as low as $200 per day (four hours)

Our group classes are only available to members. If you form a group by yourself, we will waive the membership fee for group members.